Nosaurian (1)
Basic info
First appearance: The Phantom Menace
The Nosaurians were a sentient, bipedal, reptilian species native to the planet New Plympto in the Core Worlds. A Nosaurian was easily recognized by a row of long horns, a covering of tough scales, and a beakful of sharp teeth. Members of the species had the ability to produce a brief flash of light from inside their mouths, a knack they used for silent, long-distance communication. Nosaurians were colorblind, although few found this bothersome.
Known members or units
Greenbark, Bomo
Holdfast, Clegg
Complete list
Bomo Greenbark
SWM Dark Times
Bomo Greenbark
Greenbark, Bomo

Last updated: 02.08.2020 18:32:25